Monthly Archives: September 2022

Election Denial, the next step

Apparently, an ex law professor in a business school has been going around the county giving talks about the 2020 presidential election. His position is the usual election denial talk: election fraud in states that the former POTUS lost, ballot stuffing, lost votes for the former POTUS, rigged elections, etc.

We here at the Bozosphere are wondering when the deniers take the next step and claim that DJT is still POTUS because the 2020 presidential elections never actually took place. This is what election denial should be. It’s not enough to deny the results, denial of the actual event is required.

For example, did anyone reading this blog actually see polls open in Edge Hill, GA? How about Baileyville PA? And Hackberry AZ? We could go on and on, but you get the idea.

And there’s voting by mail. That’s not really voting like the founders thought of it. It’s further proof that the 2020 presidential election never really happened.

So, let’s stop this claptrap about the election being stolen. It never really happened. Now that’s what we call election denial. One last point. Elections won by Republicans did happen. It’s only the elections thought to have been won by Democrats that did not happen.

Political Bumper Stickers 2024

The electorate is badly fragmented, so “Candidate X in 2024” will just not cut it. Here are some targeted bumper stickers for the 2024 Trump for President Campaign.

Please feel free to suggest others.

Trump is Jesus! Resurrection in 2024

Trump is the Buddha! Reincarnation in 2024

Trump is the Messiah! Finally, in 2024

Trump is Saint Donald! Canonization in 2024

Muslims for Trump! Allah be praised in 2024.

Trump is not a God, but close. Atheists for Trump in 2024

A Trump speech is the sound of one hand clapping. Zen Masters for the Donald

So you want to be a Stoic?

So You Wanna Be a Stoic? — First draft.

Act 1, Scene 1

The action takes place in The Think Shop, a modern hip store in a major city’s major shopping street, the kind of store that would be near an Apple Store, trendy clothing stores, expensive hair salons, micro breweries, overpriced coffee, etc. 


Aristotle Mill Kant, a salesman for the Think Shop, formerly a used car salesman

Lee,  a customer who has just walked in, can be male or female

Ari: Hello, there.  Welcome to The Think Shop.  How are things?

Lee:  Things?  What exactly are things?  Do they need to be material objects?  Are abstract thought things?  Are mathematical objects things?  But, time later for the big questions.  Let’s start with something simpler.   I was wondering  about  what you have in the way of an older philosophy, say something Greek or Latin?

Ari:  I’m sure we can help you.  My name is Ari.  What’s yours?

Lee:  What’s in a name?  How does that relate to who I actually am?

Ari:  Well, I can see you’re a sophisticated customer and can discern the particulars.  I think you might find some Aristotle to your liking.

Lee:  I’m not all that keen on a virtue ethics approach, not my scene, too personal.  Got anything else?

Ari:  Well, we just got a little Epicurus in from an older customer who only practiced it on Sundays. 

Lee: Nah, a little too self centered for me.  I know we all ought to cultivate friendship, the arts, and all that.  But I gotta ask, “How does that help you when times get tough?” You know, kinda like a really low gear on your carbon fiber mountain bike.

Ari: (to himself) This is a tough nut to crack.  How am I going sell some ideology here?  If I don’t meet my monthly quota, they’re going to have me back trying to hawk used Utilitarian stuff.

Ari: Well, I think we have just the thing for you.  We’re running an end of the month special on Stoicism.  And have we got deals and selections for you.    Why don’t you come out to the porch.  It’s so appropriate for test driving the various schools.

Lee:  Yeah, that sounds right.  Lifestyle Reports just rated Stoicism really highly. 

They walk from the store front onto the stoa (porch) and see signs like:  “Off the Epicureans!”  and “Stoics Rules!, Epicurean Fools!”

Ari: We have three favorites here that bear examination:   The Epictetus, the Seneca and  the Marcus Aurelius, which comes in a special Emperor model.

Lee: I’ve heard about the Epictetus.  It appeals to the manly man in me.  Gimme the skinny on it.

Ari: He’s best know for the Enchiridion, which …

Lee: Stop. That’s the name of my high school yearbook. Who wants to be reminded of those years. How about the Marcus Aurelius?  Is the Emperor model all that more coherent than his other stuff?

Ari: It’s all coherent. The dude was a general. He wasn’t one of those guys who used Greek and Latin words. Or maybe he did, I can’t recall. Oh yeah, you wanted a Greek or Roman thing.

Lee: And how about the Seneca. It seems to be really cool and happening at the moment amongst the Silicon Valley hipsters.

Ari: Yep, he’s so hip. Did you know they named an Indian tribe after him. Oops, I meant a Native American tribe.

Adult Day Camp

Almost all of us fortunate enough to have gone to day camp as children recall those wonderful summer days when we got to play all day and have great times with our summer buddies. Sadly, we grew up, acquired jobs, families, and responsibilities and lost those summer holiday times.

Now, there is adult day care, but that’s almost always for those with cognitive impairment. And there are expensive overnight camps, most of which have a focused activity or special interest.

Now, we’re introducing day camp for adults. You can sign up for a single week or as many as you like during the summer. If you like, we can pick you up in our bus, so you can schmooze with your summer friends and won’t have to worry about traffic.

Here are some of the activities you can enjoy at Camp Gerry-a-tric.

Zen meditation, yoga, stretching.

Pickleball, shuffleboard, quoits, lawn bowling, bocce.

Water sports with Uncle Nate back again at the waterfront. There’s kayaking, canoeing, rafting, swimming lessons for doggy paddle novices.

Nap time every day right after lunch. We’ll have bug juice for those who have been yearning for some for many decades. Chef Marcel’s justly famous adult mac and cheese will be available daily. There will be milk and cookies for afternoon snack.